Thursday 19 January 2012

MYexperience for the last three days in vss

Vasant valley school has become my dream school, I have fallen in love with this school. NO WONDER , NO WONDER,my benevolent KING had made a joint programme with this school  to enhance the learning and broaden the views and minds of bhutanese teachers and the students of Bhutan would later on enjoy the sweet fruits  endowed by this empowering project.  I thank my king , my beloved king .

There are many  enriching and joyful experiences that  I would like to share with my collaeague and my students of DMSS. I hope to bring in lot s of  intersting programme in the literary activities.One good practice about about this school is. it has its librarian playing the major role as good as a language teacher, that really helps the language teacher. I am quite inspired to ask my Principal tomake me the  librarian  and also be the language teacher  at the same so that I can  instill love and respect for reading in the minds of my students.   I HOPE TO LEARN MORE IN MY DAYS TO COME.